This blog was originally written as a guest blog over on Empower House Online back in July 2019, but given the International Borders are starting to open up, and overseas travel is starting to look like a possibility again – I thought it was time to share this again.

5 Ways To Save For That Overseas Trip

Do you have a goal of one day hopping on a plane and flying off to far off countries? But it seems too much like a dream and not a reality. With a little planning you can add that trip to your bucket list.

Here are 5 ways that you can help you save money to put towards that trip.

1. Work out a budget for your trip

First, have an idea in mind about when you would like to go on your trip i.e 6 months, 12 months etc Once you have that sorted, you’ll need to do some research. Will you be visiting one place or many? How long do you plan on being away?

Decide if it’s going to be a budget trip i.e do it yourself or if you want someone to book it for you. Going the DIY route can save you money. Once you have figured out your destination and an estimate of the cost for the trip you will be able to work out how much money to put away each week.


Twin Lakes, Mammoth Mountain, California

2. Expenses

Look at your current outgoings and decide what things you can trim money from.

For example:

  • Grocery shopping- Can you buy cheaper brands of food and perhaps seek a cheaper supermarket?
  • Outings – Instead of eating out, cook at home.
  • Utilities and other regular bills – Power, gas, insurance etc ask around, to be sure you are not paying top dollar when other companies may offer an incentive for you to join them.
  • Fuel costs – Check out prices at different petrol stations and you might be able to save some money. There some great apps you can use to find these, Gaspy is one of them.

3. Declutter

You could do a Marie Kondo on your possessions. Does it spark joy? (if you’ve watched Marie Kondo, you will know)

Be ruthless. Do you really need all those appliances and books? Do you actually WEAR all those clothes? Remember you’re going on an overseas trip, but don’t give them away, sell them if you can.

4. Take your lunch to work

Do the sums on that brought lunch compared to a loaf of bread and fillings or a home cooked quiche. Never underestimate the power of leftovers. Some things are even better the next day!

Perhaps you already make your lunch. Are there other things that you do each week that you could forgo so that your dream becomes a reality? Do you need a daily bought coffee?

5. Open a separate bank account

Open a bank account specifically for your trip. Find one that has restrictions on withdrawals, so you are not tempted to spend the money.

One idea is to deposit the amount of money saved from making changes to your current outgoings. Also if possible put a specified amount away each week into the account.  Another idea is to convert some of your money saved into the currency of the place you are visiting so you are less tempted to spend it.

Alt Text: Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden

Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden

And before you know it you will be heading off overseas to places you’ve only dreamed about.