by jenny | Dec 30, 2024 | Blog, Treasure Hunting, Waikato
Te Rapa Op Shop Trail Te Rapa in Hamilton is full of hidden secondhand treasures just waiting to be discovered. If you are short on time then make sure to hit the Te Rapa Op Shops. I spent a couple of hours exploring and found some absolute gems! Here’s...
by jenny | Jul 27, 2024 | NZ Town Guides, Treasure Hunting, Waikato
Fossick Collectables Hamilton In Hamilton City there are a good number of shops to find treasures. If you are after a variety check out Fossick Collectables and four other secondhand shops in the city centre. Salvation Army Family Store First stop on Victoria Street...
by jenny | Jul 2, 2024 | NZ Town Guides, Treasure Hunting, Waikato
Hamilton East and Nearby Op shops There are a total of seven shops to explore in Hamilton East and nearby. Three in Hamilton East, two in Claudelands and two in Five Cross Roads. See the map link below to see where they all are. Hamilton East The three shops in...
by jenny | Jul 2, 2024 | NZ Town Guides, Treasure Hunting, Waikato
Secondhand Shopping Ellerslie and Royal Oak Ellerslie On this second hand shopping expedition I stopped at the two shops in Ellerslie first. The first one was the SPCA on the corner of the Main Highway and Ladies Mile. Mostly clothes which a few home goods, it was a...
by jenny | Aug 3, 2023 | NZ Town Guides, Treasure Hunting, Waikato
9 Op Shops And Second Hand Stores In Frankton In my blog about op shopping in Hamilton I wrote one blog covering the whole area but since there are so many I’ve decided to break it up into a few for the different areas. First up is Frankton I made it to NINE op...
by Jenny Latto | Feb 28, 2021 | NZ Town Guides, Waikato
Hamilton Op Shops to Visit Hamilton or The Tron as its affectionately referred to is known for The Hamilton Gardens and the Waikato River that winds its way through the city and the stunning walks along the river banks. Hamilton is part of the area known as the...