Craft your business consultation

Using Facebook is a great platform for starting your business.

But if you want to craft a successful business you need to start at the bottom.

The foundations of your business are paramount to running a successful business.

You’ve set up your Facebook Business page, now what?

I’m here to help you figure out the what.

Roadmap consultation

It is such a great feeling when you sell something you’ve created.

Running a business though takes a lot of effort and you just want to create things.

Often I hear from clients that its all too difficult really having a business what with social media, and all the different platforms to choose from.

Which brings more questions like do I need a website and what about an email list, its all too hard!

Before you give up check out how I can help you.

Previous clients have said:

It was wonderful sitting with Jenny who took the time to really drill down, what were our needs and requirements
