Creating Content for Facebook


Does this sound like the experience you’ve had? All excited, you post on your Facebook Business Page about your latest product hoping for some likes. However,  likes, comments and shares are almost not existent. Consequently you’re ready to throw it all in, because its not the first time this has happened. Whats the point if nobody sees what you post?

There is hope. The first step is to understand how Facebook works. Then how to create content and what type of content to post.

How Facebook Works

You may have heard about Facebook’s algorithm. This is how Facebook makes a decision on what posts people see, and the order in which they see them when they look at their news-feed. The more someone likes, comments or shares i.e engages with your posts, the more likely your posts will appear in someones feed. Subsequently the reach of your post can increase too.

Engagement and Content

In order to get good engagement one of the key things is content. Do you follow pages that sell to you all the time or talk about their products constantly and nothing else? Probably not, so lets look further. The industry standard for content for Facebook Business Pages is that 20% of posts are made up product/sales posts and the rest is made up of other types of content.

For some ideas on what to post, I’ve listed a few samples below.


Content Ideas


1. Introduce yourself

First, share a picture of yourself, so they can see who you are. Then give a brief outline of who you are and what you love about your business.


2. Share behind the Scenes images

Take a photo of your work space and talk a little about what you do there.

Author painting Content Idea

Behind the Scenes


3. Create your own Graphics

Use sites like Canva to create your own graphics.  If you need images Unsplash is great.

Graphic example content idea

Graphic from Canva

4. Give a Sneak Peek

If you’re working on a new product, give a sneak peek of the product to encourage anticipation and excitement

Paintbrush and button paper Facebook content

Sneak Peek

5. Ask Questions

There are a myriad of questions you can ask to get engagement i.e do you like brussel sprouts (likely to get lots of response), how many pets do you have and share an image below, whats your favourite holiday spot etc

Content Question Example

Brussel sprouts

These are a just few content ideas. If you would like more I have a months worth of content ideas available for you to access via the email button below. I would love to have you join me over in my group on Facebook. We are a fun group and are ready to help any that needs help with their business

Do be aware that creating an engaging page has many more key factors, such as relationship building, using Facebook insights, correct page set up and having a strategy for your business, to name a few. If you need further assistance contact me here Or see my consultant services below.

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