How Carpeting Enhanced My Creative Head Space.

Earlier this year we got our house carpeted and if you know what a job that is you might have some foresight into just what we went through. Everything I mean EVERYTHING had to be moved out of the house, 5 bedrooms and a lounge, just imagine how much stuff that is! Most of it went into the garage. So after the carpet was laid  was the job of moving  our belongings back into the house, and if I wasn’t already aware how much stuff we had it soon became apparent while trying to fit everything back in.

De-cluttering art sale coming up!

So the rest of the year has been spent sorting through stuff to sell or give-away. This included my fabric of which I had a little too much (shh keep that quiet because I didn’t admit to anything). This has also meant changes in my business Uku Chic. I tend to start things and not finish them and jump from project to project, trying to find the thing that everyone is going to buy. Consequently I have a UFO (unfinished objects) pile to rival the Sky Tower – that might be a little exaggeration. I also have an abundance of finished items that have yet to see the light of day. Thinking about listing the finished items was also causing me concern so I have decided to have a sale, with 15% of the proceeds going to the local St John Opportunity Shop Waiuku.

If you want to know more about the sale pop over to the Facebook page and have a look. Please excuse the poor photo taking and lack of ironing but that’s just another cause of overwhelm when the idea is to get things done and gone.

Clear spaces enhance design and creative energy.

Why has all this been necessary?  I have come to realise that too much clutter causes overwhelm, its always there at the back of my mind. So to move forward I had to put my business to one side so that the head is clear and creating can begin.

One of the biggest challenges is admitting  that while I can do lots of things, I cant do everything. So I have asked for a bit of help with writing content and also engaged Sarah Kent who helps get my business working me.


Desk Clutter

Things that have helped me

  • Make a list or many lists
  • Work through them even if its one thing a week
  • Find someone who can validate your thoughts
  • Don’t start new things before finishing what you are currently working on
  • Sell off excess fabric  – can be used to buy more!
  • Have a sale of excess product
  • Don’t make everything in creation just because you can
  • Realise that its okay to make decisions
  • Its going to take time
  • Sometimes the starting is the hardest
  • Engaging people to help does not mean you have failed.
  • Most of all believe in yourself