Hamilton East and Nearby Op shops

There are a total of seven shops to explore in Hamilton East and nearby. Three in Hamilton East, two in Claudelands and two in Five Cross Roads. See the map link below to see where they all are.

Hamilton East

The three shops in Hamilton East include Salvation Army Family store, the Red Cross Shop and directly arcoss the road is the SPCA. These shops are all within walking distance and are quite small shops. The Red Cross is mainly clothing while the other two have a variety.






Located in Claudelands is the Hospice Shop and Op Shop St Aidans. The Hospice shop would have to be my favourite probably because of the effort they put in with their displays, its also a big store. Though sometime prices can be a little on the high side on this visit I managed to find a few things to bring home. I didnt manage to vist St Aidans this time.




Five Cross Roads

At Five Cross Roads are the Red Cross and the Salvation Army Stores. Both stores are close together, across a parking lot. Both are quite small but they have something to offer to customers lots of second hand things!





Maps and other Op Shops

Sometimes when the shops are spread out it pays to plan your visit. Here is the link to the map showing the seven Hamilton East and Nearby Op shops. Hopefully that helps for a smoother treasure hunt. If you have time make sure to check out Frankton in Hamilton and soon there will be a blog about Hamilton Central shops.