From Summer Sun to Winter Wonderland

Beach, Barb-ques and summer activities are synonymous with a Kiwi Christmas. But Christmas in other parts of the world means snow. So, having never experienced a white Christmas we went in search of one. 

We picked Sweden as our destination then it was mission on to find somewhere that had snow. We settled on Östersund for a white Christmas experience.

So December 18th 2017, saw us flying to Stockholm. From there we drove north (Östersund is a six hour drive from Stockholm). Our excitement grew the further north we went, with the increasing amount of snow that we encountered. Though our traveling was a little fraught at one point. Google sent us on some road that didn’t appear to get much traffic. The road certainly wasn’t graded and may have been quicker in summer but the depth of the snow was a little off putting. 

One thing we needed to keep in mind that daylight doesn’t last long in winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Sunrise was about 10am with sunset at 2pm.


We found a wonderful place to stay via Airbnb in a little place called Namn. A guest house with views across Lake Storsjön looking towards Östersund. It was nearly a scene out of the Nativity story, with our accommodation in the loft of a barn. However it was horses in the stable below not baby Jesus.

Airbnb Accommodation Sweden
Accommodation in Namn, Ostersund Sweden.
Barn Accomodation
Entrance to our Accommodation
Horses in the Snow
Horses Feeding

Our hosts provided us with a tree to decorate. So with a roast lamb for our meal, and snow filled vistas, it truly was a memorable white Christmas.

Christmas Decoration
Christmas Tree

A relaxing holiday

The holiday was a time to relax as a family, yes the kids came too (adults). It was fun walking along the plowed roads and footpaths. Taking care not to step off the plowed area or you would be in snow up to your armpits.

Building a snowman, sledding and visiting Östersund were some of the highlights. As was having dinner out at one of the local restaurants.  Since the lake hadn’t fully frozen over some activities like snowmobiling were off the schedule, next time!

Sledding fun
Sledding in Frösön
Östersund sights
Christmas Tree Östersund
Snow Sculpture

Snow, Snow and more Snow

We had definitely picked the right place for our white Christmas. Lots and lots of snow with lots of fun. Fantastic accommodation and a great area to explore. Hoping to get back one day to see those Northern Lights

Street in Östersund
A snow filled street in Östersund
View of Ostersund
View over Lake towards Östersund


In the spirit of the season I’m giving away a set of my cards. Check out the entry form below

a Rafflecopter giveaway