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Exploring New Plymouth

Exploring New Plymouth

Exploring New Plymouth I recently went on a trip to New Plymouth, all excited to capture some amazing shots for my next word art project. Unfortunately the weather did not play ball! It was gloomy and drizzling most of the time, which made it really challenging to...

9 things to do in Rotorua

9 things to do in Rotorua

9 things to do in Rotorua If you are visiting Rotorua it can be overwhelming with all the choices available. Here is a list of 9 things to do in Rotorua that are some of my favourites 1. Mountain biking - so many choices and tracks available for all levels of skill....

Exploring Raglan New Zealand, 1st Stop

Exploring Raglan New Zealand, 1st Stop

Raglan New Zealand As an avid traveler its time to set about exploring more of this wonderful country of ours and to find inspiration for my art. The first stop was to Raglan New Zealand. Raglan is a small town on the west coast of the North Island and approximately...

5 things to do in Adelaide, discover the magic

5 things to do in Adelaide, discover the magic

Awhile ago* I was fortunate enough to visit Adelaide for a conference (read about that here). Due to the timing of the conference and the flights from NZ to Adelaide not being daily, I had a few days spare either side of the conference. I was away for about a week and...

Things to do in Busselton WA – Memorable

Things to do in Busselton WA – Memorable

Last year we headed to the USA so my partner could participate in the Iron Man 70.3  event (read about it here). This year in May we travelled to Busselton, in Western Australia for an event in the same series. Planing beforehand some things to do in Busselton WA. We...

Awhitu Peninsula – Take a Day Trip

Awhitu Peninsula – Take a Day Trip

Awhitu Regional Park White Beaches, wind swept scenery and picturesque farmland, does that description capture the imagination? These hidden treasures and more are only a car ride away on the The Awhitu Peninsula. One definition given for Awhitu, means longing to...

The Scream by Edvard Munch, MoMA and discovery

The Scream by Edvard Munch, MoMA and discovery

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Looking back I don't remember when I was aware of "The Scream" perhaps it was something I saw on Tv? Or why I was drawn to it, perhaps it was the vivid colours. But back in 2013 on a visit to The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York I...