Upcycle Silverplated Dishes

Have you ever thought to upcycle silverplated dishes?  There is a plethora of silverplated dishes for sale every time I go secondhand shopping. I decided maybe making them a little more appealing to other people might make others think about upcycling them. People obviously aren’t buying them in their current state, and we don’t want them going to landfill so lets try to upcycle some silverplated dishes

Silverware Galore

Plethora of Plated Silverware


In this tutorial I will be upcycling two silverplated dishes that have handles in slightly different ways.


  • Dishes – see the ones I used below
  • Undercoat sealer I used Zinsser 1.2.3
  • Acrylic Paint – I use Mollies Paint
  • Sandpaper
  • Fabric offcuts
  • Mod Podge
  • Contrast paint like gold for highlighting designs
  • Various Paint brushes




  • Remove the handles and then wash the dishes and handles in warm soapy water and then dry.
  • Paint with an undercoat. Two coats should be okay. Make sure to follow drying instructions on the paint tin before painting your second coat.
  • Paint with colour of your choice 2-3 coats
  • Depending on which dish you decide to upcycle see below


Blue Dish

After I was happy with the painting i.e couldn’t see the colour underneath I highlighted the pattern and handle on the dish with gold paint. I wasn’t too particular with the gold paint finish as I wanted it to look a little aged. I then coated it with water based urethane.Upcycle Silverplated Dishes

Orange Dish

I treated this dish differently to the blue dish. After painting I gave the dish a light sand over the pattern area. This was done with a fine grit sandpaper. I then wiped the dish to remove all of the fine particles.

I cut out some leaf shapes from fabric and using mod podge adhered the shapes to the dish. There was a hole in the middle of the dish where the handle attached so I lined them up with this. Slightly overlapping them as I went around the dish but not over the hole. I added more mod podge as needed and coated over the top of all the fabric one it was dry.

The dishes are now ready to use. For food if you have used a urethane that’s food safe (blue dish only) wipe clean only. The other dish would look great with your jewellery or just as it is to add colour to your space. Make something that is different from what everyone else has is special too.

Revamp Your Silverplated Dishes This Year

Video Orange Dish


Video Blue Dish






Upcycle Don’t Discard

I hope you upcycle your silverplated dishes this year, of course if you don’t have any there are plenty in the secondhand shops to buy. If you have any ideas on what else to do with silverplated items then let me know. Another upcycling idea can be found here (for cereal boxes)

Happy upcycling and if you want to hear when the next tutorial comes out make sure to sign up for the newsletter below.