Explore Gothenburg Sweden
Finding Creative Inspiration in Gothenburg When visiting a new city, especially one in a different country, it can be challenging to decide where to start and what to look at. That was certainly the case when I arrived in Gothenburg. Known for its canals, quirky...

Discovering Haga: Gothenburg’s Treasure Trove for Upcycling Inspiration
Haga Gothenburg was our first stop in Europe, and as a collector of old things and an upcycling enthusiast, visiting Haga felt like stepping into a treasure trove of inspiration. This historic district, one of Gothenburg’s oldest areas, is the perfect blend of charm,...

Te Rapa Op Shop Trail: Your Thrifting Guide
Te Rapa Op Shop Trail Te Rapa in Hamilton is full of hidden secondhand treasures just waiting to be discovered. If you are short on time then make sure to hit the Te Rapa Op Shops. I spent a couple of hours exploring and found some absolute gems! Here's everything you...

Vancouver Art and Architecture
Vancouver Art & Architecture “Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves,” quoted Julia Morgan Art comes in many forms and if you are short on time check out some of the Vancouver Art and Architecture when you visit the city. Surrey We...

How to Upcycle Drink Coasters, 1 easy method
How to Upcycle Drink Coasters Another item that I come across lots of in second hand shops is drink coasters, the cork backed ones. Often the coasters dont look to have been used - no staining on the cork and they might still be in a pristine box. So lets upcycle...

A trip to Cascade Falls – Rotorua
A hidden gem off the Rotorua-Whakatane Road is Cascade Falls. Located in the Lake Okataina scenic reserve and accessed via Lake Okataina Road, it’s a little known secret that many Rotorua locals don’t even know about.

Fossick Collectables plus 4 other secondhand shops
Fossick Collectables Hamilton In Hamilton City there are a good number of shops to find treasures. If you are after a variety check out Fossick Collectables and four other secondhand shops in the city centre. Salvation Army Family Store First stop on Victoria Street...

Whistler Train Wreck, Cultural Centre and More
Whistler Train Wreck Cultural Centre and more After our 5 days in Vancouver we headed up the Sea to Sky highway to Squamish, the next stop on our trip. Squamish is located halfway between Vancouver and Whistler, where the mountains meet the mouth of Howe Sound. There...

Upcycle Silverplated Dishes 2 easy ideas
Upcycle Silverplated Dishes Have you ever thought to upcycle silverplated dishes? There is a plethora of silverplated dishes for sale every time I go secondhand shopping. I decided maybe making them a little more appealing to other people might make others think...

Hamilton East and Nearby Op shops Treasures galore in 7 shops
Hamilton East and Nearby Op shops There are a total of seven shops to explore in Hamilton East and nearby. Three in Hamilton East, two in Claudelands and two in Five Cross Roads. See the map link below to see where they all are. Hamilton East The three shops in...